IAB Display Standard Ads
These ad formats are included in the IAB Display Standard Ad Unit Portfolio and are comprised of the most common banner sizes seen in digital advertising.
Floor Ad
The Floor Ad format fits the browser's width; it is anchored at the bottom of the page and follows the user as the page is scrolled or the browser window is resized. On user interaction, the Floor Ad can expand to unveil anything from videos to interactive games or embedded websites. The user closes the Floor Ad by clicking on the close button.
Intropage (Static)
The Intro Page is a full screen ad that is displayed over the webpage content. After 15 seconds the ad automatically closes. The user can also opt to close the ad manually by clicking the close button in the upper right corner.
Intropage (Video)
The Intro Page is a full screen ad that is displayed over the webpage content. After 15 seconds the ad automatically closes. The user can also opt to close the ad manually by clicking the close button in the upper right corner.
Intropage (Before & After)
The Intro Page is a full screen ad that is displayed over the webpage content. It has an interactive area that lets the user slide a bar horizontally in order to reveal an 'after' image. After 30 seconds the ad automatically closes. The user can also opt to close the ad manually by clicking the close button in the upper right corner.
Drive to Store Ad (Cross Device)
Mobile or Desktop, it is an In-Page ad that on click it directs to google maps and shows the nearby markers that are configured.
The Mobile Interstitial is a responsive full-screen ad displayed over the webpage content that appears on iPhone and Android devices. The user can manually close the ad by clicking the close button in the upper right corner.
The Interscroller format is revealed underneath the mobile web page content as the user scrolls down the page. When 90% of the ad unit is in view, it snaps and locks into full view.
Intropage (Mobile)
The Intropage (Mobile) is a full screen ad that is displayed over the webpage content. After 15 seconds the ad automatically closes.
Intropage (Mobile Video)
The Intropage (Mobile) is a full screen ad that is displayed over the webpage content. After 15 seconds the ad automatically closes.
The Scratch is a full screen ad that is displayed over the webpage content and it allows the user to scratch the predefined area and reveal the ad message. After 15 seconds the ad automatically closes. The user can also opt to close the ad manually by clicking the close button in the upper right corner.
Drive to Store Interstitial
The Drive to Store Interstitial is a full screen ad that is displayed over the webpage content. On click it directs to google maps and shows the nearby markers that are configured. After 15 seconds the ad automatically closes. The user can also opt to close the ad manually by clicking the close button in the upper right corner.
Preroll ad automatically plays directly before a featured video, on both mobile and desktop.
Cornered Video
The Cornered Video is an outstream video ad positioned on the bottom right corner, over the webpage content. It starts playing a video automatically and after 15 seconds the ad closes. The user can manually close the ad by clicking the close button in the upper right corner, pause the video or enable/disable the audio. Branded customization available.
Direct Email Marketing (DEM) is a format for email-based campaigns in which standalone advertisements are sent to a targeted list of recipients.
Desktop Skin
The Skin ad is displayed behind the site content, filling the empty background around it, as a frame. It can be built for responsiveness and scaling.
Desktop Skin (Video Pushdown)
The Video Skin is displayed behind the site content, filling the empty background around it, as a frame. It can be built for responsiveness and scaling. As the user hovers on, it pushes down the site content revealing an autoplay video. The user can manually revert the previous state by clicking the close button in the upper right.
Mobile Skin
The Mobile Skin is displayed on the top of the screen, before the site content. It is built reponsively. As the user scrolls down, it slips under the site content, out of view.
Dynamic Ad
Personalized ads featuring each professional's own LinkedIn profile data, like photo, company name, job title, and more.
Message Ad
◲ Text (Form), Raster Image (non-animated)
Sponsored Content (Single Image)
TNative ad in the LinkedIn news feed with a single image visual. You can also add a Lead Gen Form to your post to collect leads. Third-party impression tracking pixels vendors accepted: Google
Video Ad
Native ad in the LinkedIn news feed with an high definition video. You can also add a Lead Gen Form to your post to collect leads. Third-party impression tracking pixels vendors accepted: Google
Fan Takeover (Cross Device)
The Fan Takeover format is a cross-screen high impact ad.
Fan Takeover (Video Cross Device)
Video Fan Takeover is a cross-platform unit. The video autoplays when the site is loaded.
Fan Pre-roll Video (in-stream)
Consists of the preroll that plays before the video and follows the user as he scrolls, and the in-line that plays between the content.
Fan Interscroller
The ad appears after the user scrolls down the mobile page and can easily be scrolled past.
Standard IAB
These ad formats are included in the IAB Display Standard Ad Unit Portfolio and are comprised of the most common banner sizes seen in digital advertising.
Native Inline - Standard
Native ad that runs between the flight search results.
Native Inline - Brand Banner
Native ad that runs between the flight search results.
Homepage Hero
Native ad that runs between the flight search results.
Skin (Borsaitaliana)
Borsaitaliana skin is an image displayed behind the site content, filling the empty background around it, as a frame.
DEM (Borsaitaliana)
Direct Email Marketing (DEM) is a format for email-based campaigns in which standalone advertisements are sent to a targeted list of recipients
Borsaitaliana skin is an image displayed behind the site content, filling the empty background around it, as a frame.
Direct Email Marketing (DEM) is a format for email-based campaigns in which standalone advertisements are sent to a targeted list of recipients